
The medical soldiers that I copied were from a toy soldier look like this was the best copier could fine to use of a WWI accurate medical personnel debt fit the part perfectly in my infographic peace so then I traced over it to make a abstract peace the diadem could move around or manipulate to make multiple characters that more than fit the part I needed them to play.

I chose some dead bodies from a beach photo of some dead bodies on a beach that I would use later in Multiple scenes as my general dead bodies as I had a lot of scenes that required bodies lying about on the battlefield or just around the as I had a lot of scenes that required bodies lying about on the battlefield or just around the camp as casualties of War or casualties of the flu

The two civilians I took from a photo that was taken during the World War of several men and shows two of them of different stitches and different builds so I could have a somewhat arrange of civilians that looked similar but a little bit different for my peace on how many civilians had died during the war.

It took me a long time to search and to find a suitable image of a messenger login the time period as there was not many information or suitable images of a dog that could be used to relay the fact that dogs were very much useful in the First World War as they did carry a lot of messages


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